Badlung Press



Herein find the things of mine which have been published.



after KÜBLER-ROSS”, Neutral Spaces Magazine

You can see the world from the windows here”, Fairy Piece Mag

Time Zone Mountain Interchange”, Back Patio Press

lemonade of a violet color”, Stone of Madness Press

On our last night in the desert”, Perhappened → Website offline, read it here instead

“There’s a word for that”, Spaghetti Memories

your friends need you they will always need you they will never stop”, Pretty Cool Poetry Thing: Animal Crossing Zine → Website offline, read it here instead

the same week that you leave the west coast they board up the complex and every time I want to remember you I have to take the detour”, Voicemail Poems

40 Doses”, Cabinet of Heed

my mind is a place with a hole punched through it”, Mineral Lit Mag → Website offline, read it here instead.

“mykonos” and “3:50”, Nauseated Drive

Never in America”, Re-side Magazine → Website offline, read it here instead.

Constitution”, Neutral Spaces Magazine

$2.99”, Misery Tourism

"a shirt with a picture of francois truffaut", Riggwelter Press

“Exulansis“, in Back Patio Magazine from Back Patio Press → Unavailable, read it here instead.

“we have the same conversation every time we talk”, “this is not an admission of guilt”, Back Patio Press

The House I Pass”, The Blue Pages

Not Up for Discussion”, Anti-Heroin Chic

fire on cuyahoga lake”, Bone & Ink Lit Zine → Website offline, read it here instead.

canto for covet”, Red Queen Literary Magazine → Website offline, read it here instead.

the long place”, Honey & Lime Lit

“the neverending semester” FIVE:2:ONE → Website offline, read it here instead.

Open Casket”, Neutral Spaces

“Sour Patch Kids”, FIVE:2:ONE → Website offline, lost media.

Shower Object on Thanksgiving Morning”, FIVE:2:ONE → Website offline, lost media.

Loneliness”, Neutral Spaces

My Father Looks for a Friend in the Internet”, Neutral Spaces

Connecticut Vampire”, X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine

eight funerals”, SOFT CARTEL → Website offline, read it here instead.

“y/our valley”, SOFT CARTEL → Website offline, read it here instead.

“City Transit”, San Diego Poetry Annual

silent disco”, Philosophical Idiot → Website offline, read it here instead.

19 Toucans”, SOFT CARTEL → Website offline, lost media.






: the determination of a succession of elements by operation on one or more preceding elements according to a rule or formula involving a finite number of steps

Winner of the San Diego State University 2018 Electronic Literature Competition. A digital-born hypertext, Recursion is a non-linear exploration of the extremes to which individuals will go in pursuit of happiness, revolving around the concept of narrative recursion through mechanically integrated recursion. 

Read it here.